5 Signs You Need Fort Wayne Roofing Replacement

Over the life of your home, there will come a time when you need to have your roofing replaced. This is an investment in the integrity of your house and you need to ensure you have roofing replacement sooner rather than later when problems arise. Waiting for your home’s roofing to go too far past its prime can cause significant damage to your house’s structure and create costly problems that can be avoided with a new roofing installation. Consider these signs that your roofing is ready to be replaced and needs a new roofing installation.

  • Age: The age of your roof determines its ability to protect your home. Most roofing lasts 20 to 25 years. Beyond this point, you are taking chances with your home’s security as damage can occur from a roof that is not providing the layer of home protection that it should. If your home’s roof is getting up there in age, you need to think about having a roofing replacement in the near future.
  • Damage: An obvious sign that your roofing needs a replacement is when there is damage. This damage can let water penetrate your home and may ruin the building materials or interior of your home. Missing shingles are a clear indication that your home needs a new roof as well as holes or gaps that are unprotected on your home’s roof.
  • Leaks: When water is entering your home’s interior from the roof, you know that something is wrong. Your roofing is not doing the job that it was intended to do and your home is unprotected in some way. Water leaks may be repaired, but a new roofing installation may be the best solution for your moisture problems.
  • Wear: With age, use, and weather damage, your roofing will begin to wear eventually. You may see signs of curling or buckling shingles that mean your roof is ready for replacement. The sun can also do a number on your home’s roofing, causing it to fade, wear and damage over time. Have new roofing installed to reverse the wear that has occurred on your home’s roofing and you’ll have many years of protection for your home.
  • Daylight: If you can see daylight from the top within your home’s interior, you have a serious roofing problem that needs replacement When your home’s interior is exposed to the elements, severe weather damage can occur. Your Fort Wayne roofing contractor can help you fix the issue and get a roofing replacement on your home quickly.

Be sure to inspect your roofing on a regular basis to ensure that it is not showing signs that it needs replacement. Don’t ignore the indications that your roofing does need replacement as damage could occur to the inside of your home. Contact Key Exteriors, Inc. to have your home’s roofing replaced with a new installation. We are located at 821 W. Coliseum Boulevard, Suite 1 in Fort Wayne, Ind. Visit our website at keyexteriors.com or call 260-492-8062.

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