Are New Construction Windows and Replacement Windows the Same?

replacement windows in Elkhart, IN

When you’re researching windows and trying to figure out which ones will work best in your home, you’re likely going to read up on both new construction windows and replacement windows in Elkhart, IN. You’re also likely going to make the mistake of thinking that new construction windows and replacement windows are one and the same. But the truth is that new construction windows and replacement windows are actually quite different. Check out the differences between the two below so that you know which ones to buy for your home.

What are new construction windows?

New construction windows are pretty much exactly what they sound like. They’re windows that contractors will usually turn to when they’re putting windows into a brand-new home. New construction windows come with what’s called a nail-fin frame on them that allows contractors to nail them right to a new house’s frame. This is something that wouldn’t be an option with replacement windows, which don’t have this same type of frame on them.

What are replacement windows?

Replacement windows are Elkhart, IN windows that are designed to be used when replacing the windows throughout a home. Although they don’t have nail-fin frames on them, they’re usually a whole lot easier to install in existing homes, especially when the window frames in them are still in decent shape. For the most part, you’re going to want to utilize replacement windows over new construction windows when you’re swapping out old windows for new ones.

Can you use new construction windows in place of replacement windows?

Despite the obvious differences between new construction windows and replacement windows, it’s worth noting that there are some instances in which it’ll make sense to use new construction windows in place of replacement ones. If, for example, the window frames in a house aren’t in good shape, they’re going to need to be removed and then replaced before new windows can be installed. Since all of this is going to be done anyway, it wouldn’t be a bad idea at all to go with new construction windows over replacement ones.

replacement windows in Elkhart, IN

Are new construction windows or replacement windows more cost-effective?

Oftentimes, you’re going to find that new construction windows will be cheaper than replacement ones. This might lead you to believe that you should go with new construction windows all the time for your home. But the labor associated with new construction windows can make them more expensive than replacement windows in the end. You should, therefore, try to go with replacement windows over new construction windows whenever you can in an effort to save some money. They’re almost always going to be the most cost-effective option overall.

Is your home in need of new windows? Key Exteriors, Inc. can let you know if new construction windows or replacement windows would be better for you. We can also help to handle the Elkhart, IN window installation process for you once you’ve picked out your new windows. Call us for more information on our window products and services.

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